Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 1, 2011 - Hasta Luego

We are on our way!  Thank you so much to everyone who made this trip possible. Thank you Jesse and Maria for taking Nathan and I on this adventure with you for the first 3 weeks. Thank you to Nick for taking good care of our three kiddos while we are away (Our dogs, Tater, Ozzie, and Scout). Thank you to my work for letting me have this time away. Thank you to everyone at Aweida Arts for running the shop while Nathan is away. Thank you to Terasina for all of your assistance getting our travel documents (and lives in general) in order. And most of all thank you to our families and friends for coming along on this adventure with us via the web and for wishing us a great trip. We love you. 

A little context for those of you who may not know the whole story of the evolution of this trip: 

This trip is a two part act. In Act I, Nathan and I will have the pleasure of traveling with Jesse and Maria Aweida (Nathan's Parents). We will all travel together from the beginning of our trip until we visit Iguazu Falls. After Iguazu Falls, Act II will begin. In Act II, Nathan and I will travel to Peru, Bolivia and Brazil on our own, and Maria and Jesse will go to Brazil for a few days and then home to Colorado. The idea for this trip was spawned about a year ago when Nathan and I started talking about how awesome it would be to visit Argentina - a place we've both always wanted to go. In March of 2010, we mentioned this idea to Jesse and Maria, and the next thing we knew - a plan for a trip was hatched and a cruise was booked. And then the little trip grew, and grew, and became a healthy, hearty, six week long odyssey. We are so excited to be in South America. 

In this blog, we will post photos of our trip and write journal entries and talk about whatever else inspires us. Originally I wanted to do this as a way of recording the trip for ourselves - but sharing it is also fun.  Please read as much or as little as you like. I promise to tell the truth - or as much of it as I can remember if I have had a few glasses of wine. Or you can always just check out the pretty photos. (which will be up as soon possible - I just need to replace a forgotten photo transfer cable.)

During our trip, we will only be posting digital photos. After the trip, however, Nathan will post the best of his photography on this blog from his Hasselblad medium format (film) camera - which takes gorgeous photos. I have brought along a polaroid camera, and will post the best of those images after the trip also when I can scan them. 

Ok, thats our plan.. here we go!

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