Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 4, 2011 - Day Three - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Bienvenidos a El Veendam.

Cocktail total: 2 Grey Goose Vodka Tonics with lime and 1 glass white wine at dinner
Sunburn Status: Getting Itchy - can't wear my backpack. 
Sleep: 10 hours

Today we slept late and boarded the Veendam. We are pretty sure we are the youngest people on this ship who don't currently live with our parents. Everyone appears to be over seventy. Nathan claims it took him 45 minutes to walk 500 feet because of all the geriatric passengers…At least I don't have to worry about how I will look in a swimming suit! 

We checked in today and spent most of the day registering for shore excursions, checking out the ship, booking spa appointments, hanging out in the hot tub, and of course - eating. I am going to have to work out while we are at sea to avoid the 7-14lbs the crew claims everyone will gain on this boat. Nathan and I signed up for yoga classes which I am excited about. We leave Buenos Aires tonight and will be in Montevideo, Uruguay in the morning. 

The internet onboard the ship is very slow…like most of its passengers. We are still working out our photo issues. 

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