Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 12, 2011 - Day 11 - At Sea - The Straight of Magellan

Cocktail Total: None… feeling a little sea sick
Sunburn Status: None
Sleep: 8 hours

The Straight of Magellan comprises a navigable sea route immediately south of mainland South America and north of Tierra Del Fuego. The waterway is the most important natural passages between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, but it is considered a difficult route to navigate because of the unpredictable winds and currents and the narrowness of the passages. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sailor in service to the Spanish King became the first European to navigate the straight in 1520 during his global circumnavigation voyage. Because Magellan's ships entered it on November 1, All Saint's Day, it was originally named Estrecho de Todos los Santos (The Straight of All Saints) - but later, the Spanish King changed the name in honor of Magellan. 

Today, as we were aboard the ship all day, we entertained ourselves by playing Bingo, hanging out in the hot tubs, reading, and of course, eating. 

In the evening, as we were heading northward through the Chilean Fjords, our captain stopped along the way to cruise by the Amalia Glacier - which is beautiful, we're told. However, it was stormy and foggy out when we arrived, and we were only barely able to make out the bottom edge of the glacier even though we were only 50 feet or so from it…. as you can see in the photographs.  

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