Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 13, 2011 - Day 12 - At Sea - More Cruising in the Chilean Fjords

Cocktail Total: 1 mimosa at breakfast, 1 grey goose vodka tonic with lime in the hot tub, 1 glass pomegranate infused champagne at the chocolate party.  
Sunburn Status: None
Sleep: 9 hours…I've been sleeping so much… 

Today it was bright and sunny for most of the day, so we had beautiful scenery to enjoy from the boat. We even saw a bunch of Albatross and a pod of porpoises off of the bow of the boat this afternoon. We spent another day at sea passing the time lazily. Its been a relaxing 2 weeks… but also time goes very slowly at sea. I guess its a nice change. One entertaining thing on the ship that Nathan and I look forward to each evening is discovering what new "towel - animal" will appear in our state room. Our state room steward, Dedi (from Indonesia) always creates a new animal out of a towel and places it on our bed with chocolates in the evening. I have included the pictures below. 

Also, tonight aboard the ship the crew created a "chocolate wonderland extravaganza" on the Lido deck at 10:30 pm. It was pretty incredible. There were watermelon and ice carvings of all kinds, 3 chocolate fountains… and more extravagant chocolate deserts than I could count. Where and when do they make all of this stuff on a ship? I was impressed. The food on the cruise has been amazing the whole time. Nathan and I enjoyed some chocolate covered watermelon and pineapple and I had a glass of champagne. Delicious.

Here are some of the towel animals: Awww....


You're guess is as good as ours??





Monkey or Gorilla? 

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