Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 6, 2011 - Day Five - At Sea - Cruising South

Cocktail Total: 2 Grey Goose Vodka Tonics with lime
Sunburn Status: Itchy - Blistering (Still the same old sunburn from Feb 1st… since then I've been wearing SPF 70 and have only been gathering freckles instead of seared skin.)
Sleep: 8 hours… feeling rested

This is our first full day at sea. I woke up at 7:30am ready to go to yoga class on the gym deck at 8am. As soon as I got out of bed, gravity and the waves beneath the ship pushed me into the wall. The walls creaked. The upper deck shook a little. We were out at sea and experiencing some large swells. "Oh well, I don't get sea sick," I thought to myself as I pulled on my hoodie and left the cabin to see if there was still going to be a yoga class. Indeed there was. Let me tell you - for all of you who love yoga - you should really try doing in on a rocking ship. Its double the workout because you are fighting the whole time to just stand up, never mind holding a pose. I made it through the class (which was a pretty easy one, granted that all of the other yogis could have been my grandmother) and was feeling proud of my mornings effort, until I stood up from the corpse pose at the end of the class and immediately felt my stomach lurch in a very unnatural way. I rushed downstairs to my cabin, almost re-tasted my dinner from the night before, and spent the rest of the morning until 1pm fighting off sea sickness in my bed. Awesome. I felt like such a wimp. Who gets sea sick on such a huge boat? I have been on many smaller boats in the ocean, and I've never been sea sick - until now. Oh well. So that was my morning - Nathan on the other hand, was feeling great that morning -- for the first time all trip. 

Later that afternoon as the seas calmed down Nathan, Maria, Jesse and I all played $20,000 jackpot bingo in the Showroom at Sea. Later we saw a movie, had dinner, played in the jaccuzzi on the back deck, and lazed about entertaining ourselves in any fashion that did not involve the Superbowl, which was being broadcast all over the ship. Neither Nathan or I are football fans… and so we attended a broadway show on the ship instead. Nathan doesn't even like musicals - but he would rather watch a musical than football. I love it. 

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